While they are so naughty sometimes, they also crack me up a lot. Kids are weird. Kids become extra weird when they’re attempting to communicate in a language they speak poorly or barely at all. This is an example of one of the finer moments of learning in one of my classes. The essay topic was “Write about the most amazing thing you have ever seen.” This was the result:
Dietary restrictions are not really a part of Korean culture like they are in the US, so people here often think that not eating meat or seafood is very strange and even unhealthy. People always ask me here, “You don’t eat meat or fish!? What do you eat...bread?” Bread is always the go to. There are apparently an appalling number of people who think that three foods exist in the world: meat, seafood, and bread.
Here’s another little gem for your reading pleasure. This is out of one of the lower level reading text books. Read the text.
This is the question page for that inexplicable reading. Take special note of question three.
In case it proves difficult to read, question three is as follows: "A ______ determines the gender of chickens. a) chick sexer b) chick lover c) chick player" I can just picture a bunch of stoned foreign English teachers here who decided they possessed the ability to read English at a 3rd grade level and therefore the ability to write and publish a series of textbooks. This was the result, and I now have to read this to groups of children with a straight face.
Wow! Now that's one you would have to prepare for before you walked into class. Sounds like there was a boooored foreigner working in a text book factory, having to crank out material.